TB risk is assigned to employees that work within 3 feet of patients in a health care setting, work in a laboratory that handles TB specimens and those that work in areas that evaluate TB suspects.

In addition, the TB risk is assigned to almost all employees who are exposed to cats/dogs, wild carnivores, some omnivores and ungulates or unfixed necropsy specimens of non-laboratory animals.

Required monitoring/training:

  • Baseline TB monitoring is required within the first 10 days of employment or start of risk for everyone in the situations discussed above. Annual TB monitoring is required for those working in a moderate risk area. TB risk is assessed annually according to MIOSHA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines.
  • To become compliant, send your TB information to MSU Occupational Health, Room 123 Olin Health Center by campus mail or fax it to 355-0332.
  • To arrange for TB monitoring or if you have questions about your risk assignment, please call MSU Occupational Health at 353-9137.

Initial TB Symptom Monitor

Initial TB Symptom Monitor (For employees with a previous reactive TB test)


Annual Follow-up TB Symptom Monitor

Annual TB Symptom Monitor (For employees with a previous reactive TB test)
